The Complete Guide to Omnichannel Messaging

The Complete Guide to Omnichannel Messaging

Customer experience is the top priority for every business. One of the most effective ways to improve your customer’s experience is to use omnichannel messaging. Omnichannel marketing ensures a seamless shopping experience and gives you a competitive edge by integrating various communication channels.

Research conducted by “Think with Google” reveals that the omnichannel approach contributes to over 80% of in-store consumer visits. Additionally, 74% of customers conduct online research before visiting physical stores. It represents the importance of omnichannel messaging for businesses. So, if you want to attract or retain customers, the primary thing you must do is focus on omnichannel messaging. 

How to Send WhatsApp Messages From Google Sheets Using WhatsApp API?

How to Send WhatsApp Messages From Google Sheets Using WhatsApp API?

WhatsApp and Google Sheets are the most common platforms we generally encounter in our official works. 

What if we can get an opportunity to integrate both WhatsApp messages and Google Sheets? It’s something most brands are looking for.

In short, WhatsApp Business API is hosted by BSPs, and Meta hosts cloud API, and no hosting charges will incur to the businesses for cloud API.

WhatsApp Cloud API: Everything You Need To Know

WhatsApp Cloud API: Everything You Need To Know

WhatsApp Cloud API is something most businesses have been looking out for a long time. However, the WhatsApp business holds similar features with restrictions and long procedures, and that is, hindering most businesses from opting for WhatsApp business API.

Yes, it’s true, and Facebook officially announced that now all businesses can access WhatsApp cloud API for free, irrespective of their size. Cloud API will enable businesses to practice all the features of business API without the need to bear the cost of hosting the API or registering with Business Service Providers(BSPs).

How to Draft Attractive Messages for Customers on WhatsApp Business?

How to Draft Attractive Messages for Customers on WhatsApp Business?

Have you ever wondered why you have a lower engagement rate on Whatsapp than expected? Though, people are more active on the WhatsApp platform.

We can’t deny that WhatsApp is the best messaging platform to get quick responses from customers more effectively.

Then why are you not getting the expected results? It is something worrying you. 
