Livechat vs ChatBots: The battle for the Customer service future.

Livechat vs ChatBots: The battle for the Customer service future.

Humans vs Chatbots is the most common phrase we’ve been hearing in recent times in the customer service industry. This can also be interpreted as Livechat vs Chatbots as in 90% of the cases, livechat is the medium for humans to go about with customer service.

To start things off, Chatbots are said to be successful in decreasing customer service costs by upto 30% which we believe if true, is a very significant sum for businesses to save and allocate to other departments. This can be seen as indispensable but it’s not. (more…)

Top Tips for Creating a ChatBot That Works.

Top Tips for Creating a ChatBot That Works.

In today’s world, chatbots are becoming increasingly influential in business growth. We all know that chatbots ace the automation test but there is much more to chatbots than just automation. For example, Chatbots are streamlining interactions between people and companies by enhancing customer experience. This is enabling companies to pursue new opportunities for improving the customer’s engagement process. (more…)