WhatsApp Cloud API: Everything You Need To Know

WhatsApp Cloud API: Everything You Need To Know

WhatsApp Cloud API is something most businesses have been looking out for a long time. However, the WhatsApp business holds similar features with restrictions and long procedures, and that is, hindering most businesses from opting for WhatsApp business API.

Yes, it’s true, and Facebook officially announced that now all businesses can access WhatsApp cloud API for free, irrespective of their size. Cloud API will enable businesses to practice all the features of business API without the need to bear the cost of hosting the API or registering with Business Service Providers(BSPs).

How to Use Whatsapp for Ecommerce and Leverage 2 Billion+ User Base

How to Use Whatsapp for Ecommerce and Leverage 2 Billion+ User Base

How to Use Whatsapp for Ecommerce and Leverage 2 Billion+ User Base

Understanding the importance of conversational marketing is vital for businesses that want to go digital.

Particularly in the Indian market, with the government initiatives like ONDC to promote Ecommerce in India there is immense opportunity for SME’s to leverage technological developments and grow their business.

Top Chatbot Companies In UAE

Top Chatbot Companies In UAE

Chatbots are a must-have entity in business operations. Selecting the right chatbot services company is something of a tiresome and challenging task for businesses. Chatbots can generally undertake most of your sales and marketing operations. But which chatbot services are suitable for your business is something you need to know. A well-adaptable chatbot can be easily scaled with the growth of the company. Companies must verify the learning competence of the chatbots. Simultaneously, you need to keep your budget in mind while selecting a chatbot for your business. So what are the top chatbot companies In UAE?

How to Send Whatsapp Promotional Messages and the Effect of Quality Rating

How to Send Whatsapp Promotional Messages and the Effect of Quality Rating

Whatsapp always comes up with prioritized features to improve its user experience. Whatsapp promotional messages are also one of its efforts to improve the marketing strategy of businesses. For the past three years, businesses can only send transactional messages after getting opt-ins from customers and getting approval from WhatsApp. That’s something hindering the marketers from carrying out their process. Also, WhatsApp can’t allow marketers to send direct promotional messages to their customers and disturb them. 

All You Need To Know About Conversational Marketing Using WhatsApp Business API

All You Need To Know About Conversational Marketing Using WhatsApp Business API

Conversational marketing has made a strong footprint in the digital marketing world. As signified by its name, conversational marketing is a customer-centric and dialogue-driven approach to marketing. It has become the priority technique for marketers to drive customer engagement, enhance customer experience, and improve revenue.

Conversational marketing implies the use of real-time, one-to-one conversations to start contact with customers on social media platforms, web applications, and websites. The primary plus point with conversational marketing is you can gain quality and genuine information from your customers while being in a conversation that was more probably difficult when you go with the traditional way of filling a form.

How to Send Bulk Template Messages Using Whatsapp Business API

How to Send Bulk Template Messages Using Whatsapp Business API

Whatsapp business API is well-known for sending bulk Whatsapp messages in a secure and official way.

Most of them are still unaware of the features of the WhatsApp Business API and misinterpret this with the WhatsApp group or broadcast feature, which has its own constraints. For instance- the number of users you can reach out to in a specific period.
