by admin | Apr 16, 2021 | AI Engine, Automation, ChatBot, Customer Engagement, Customer Experience
Chatbots in banking are a great way to reduce their overall banking operation task to a maximum extent.
Banking chatbots help the customers to do any financial transactions easily with voice or text.
by admin | Mar 22, 2021 | AI Engine, Artificial Intelligence, ChatBot, Customer Engagement
Chatbots in education is the most preferred technique that is gaining weight in the education industry along with other B2C companies.
People are deploying chatbots in education using Artificial intelligence to ease communication between students, tutors, and management.
by admin | Feb 17, 2021 | AI Engine, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, ChatBot, Conversational Commerce, Customer Engagement, Customer Experience, Uncategorized
Conversational enterprises are the ones who are moving like wildfire towards using technology for meeting their business needs.
by admin | Jan 13, 2020 | AI Engine, ChatBot, SmatBot
What is Rasa:
In simple terms, Rasa is an open-source platform used to build conversational assistants that can be deployed anywhere. Rasa provides Rasa X tool that can be used to build complete chatbots using a graphical interface(GUI). (more…)