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Best Chatbot for recruiting | Boost Your Employee Engagement.

  • May 20, 2021
  • 10 min read
Best Chatbot for recruiting | Boost Your Employee Engagement.

HR chatbots are the game-changer for today’s HR management and offer new opportunities to improve the employee experience. Let’s explore.

Do you have an idea? Typically, an HR manager receives a list of queries in a day about interview schedules, the interview status, appraisal status, job applications, payslips, tax-related, and similar others. 

Taking actions to these queries manually for individuals is a tedious task for the HR manager. And it may affect the overall HR management effectiveness, and employees won’t get satisfied with the delayed response or partial responses. 

Chatbots are a way out for HR managers to tackle the issues they are facing. It can directly have dealings with the employees and provide them the probable solution for them.

It even automate the overall HR processes such as leave processing, leave counts, payslips, payroll management, and many more.

To explain, many of you might think that HR Chatbots can answer only the predefined queries, but that is not the case. HR chatbots are more advanced now, especially the conversational AI chatbots that employ the NLP(Natural language processing) and DL( Deep Learning) techniques to provide more human-like conversations. 

Moreover, chatbots also come in various levels; some can answer level 1 and level 2 queries and leave the complex questions to the human agents or share the link to valuable resources.

Whereas, some chatbots hold capabilities to understand the users’ intent, behavior, preferences, and emotions and provide answers according to that by analyzing the databases.

And some other chatbots provide results based on keywords by searching them in the databases.

Similarly, different vendors have different mechanisms to give chatbots service. 

The more advanced organizations already started deploying HR chatbots for their organizations, and they are leveraging out of it.

HR chatbots have so many direct or indirect benefits to the organizations that can improve employee experience with the HR team.

Chatbots can be deployed in multiple channels and various platforms. You can even deploy chatbots on WhatsApp that are more preferred channels by people. Consider an example here-

HR Whatsapp chatbot

Let’s discuss here-

How chatbot can help in HR Department

When we consider a recruitment process alone, the HR manager needs to go through a list of processes such as-

  • Sourcing the eligible candidate’s list,
  • Screening the candidates,
  • Calling them for the first round of interview,
  • Scheduling an interview,
  • Following them up till they reach the office,
  • Organizing a discussion with concerned persons,
  • Taking the test or first-round interview,
  • Taking feedback
  • And then scheduling the process and the process goes on with a number of rounds, background verification and finally sending the appointment letter to the candidates. 

This procedure is easy to follow for a single position; what if they have a list of positions to get recruited. Manually handling all these processes is a very tiresome task for HR.

They need an HR team. But when the HR department has deployed HR chatbots in their department. Almost half of the recruitment tasks can be handled by chatbots alone without getting any frustration or disturbances.

The task which HR chatbots can perform such as-

  • Sourcing,
  • Screening,
  • Answering candidates queries,
  • Scheduling interviews,
  • Reminding
  • Following up candidates before the interview and many others. 

It would be very beneficial for the HR consultants who need to fill the list of vacancies. Even for SMEs and large companies, chatbots are proved to be very much beneficial. 

The stated example is just for the requirement process; the HR department needs to handle many other tasks such as HR consulting, HR operations, HR payroll management, and many more. 

In every HR management process, chatbots are beneficial for the HR departments. 

As per Gartner’s research, by 2022, 35% of companies will change the job application process into a simple conversation using AI and NLP techniques.

Chatbots can assist you in saving your time by handling as many as 80% of FAQs within minutes.

A meta-analysis report by Gallup states that companies with high employee engagement rates are 21% more profitable.

Let’s have a look on- 

Use Case of Recruiting chatbot

Chatbots are developing at a rapid rate with the development of technology. AI and deep machine learning, along with chatbots capable of performing many tasks that can ease the daily functions of HR departments.

You can customize the HR chatbots based on HR department requirements. The level of features or capabilities needed for various organizations varies based on the type of their business.

Now it’s effortless to build HR chatbots in a customized way. But the challenge here is to find the right vendor who can empower your business and ease you in handling the overall process. 

Human Resource chatbot use case

1. Power your Requirement Team:

Gone are the days, as discussed above, the recruitment process alone is not a simple task. HR department needs to carry out various functions such as sourcing, screening, scheduling, background verification process, and hiring.

It can even verify the details of the employees across multiple sources to ease the overall process. Chatbots get the information from databases, and based on that information; they can efficiently perform all these operations.

It helps the HR team focus more on complex tasks and queries that can efficiently complete the tasks. 

For example- when a candidate applies for a certain position, chatbots can follow the candidate for further stages; it notifies both the HR department and candidate for further process. 

2. Ease-out Onboarding Process

For an HR department, before onboarding an employee, they need to go through administrative processes such as employee data collection, allocating resources, and entering the same in various HR portals and other organization tools where the companies need to notify or enter the details of the employee once they get onboarded.

The details could be first name, last name, highest qualification, hired for the position, and department, company resources allocated such as employee id, laptop, and many other things. 

HR chatbots can help the HR departments to save a significant amount of time in this whole process. Just by deploying a single chatbot, you can automate the overall onboarding strategy.

HR chatbots take the candidate’s input or information through chatbots or any other integrated tools. HR chatbots can perform all these tasks on predefined instructions given through programming.

3. 24/7 Available Help Desk

It’s the primary reason most companies deploy HR chatbots. HR chatbots can answer users’ queries by analyzing the user’s database. It’s hardly impossible for the HR manager to answer even the employees’ simple questions and be available all the time to reply. That leads employees to wait for the reply.

Whereas it’s not the case with the HR chatbots, employees can ask their queries in their free time, and they can get quick responses, and they can take further actions.

Otherwise, if employees are dependent on HR managers for every simple question that will hinder the overall efficiency of the HR department.

Also, you can’t ensure at a time there will be only one query; in a whole day, employees from various departments do contact HR managers for multiple issues, and answering all at once can be a daunting task.

HR chatbots can fulfill the intent of the users in some minutes. Conversational HR chatbots can even understand the intent, behavior of the users and reply accordingly.

Also, it provide more personalized replies to the user’s queries that improve the employees’ satisfaction rate.

Also, there are many issues that employees hesitate to ask directly to HR managers; in such scenarios, HR chatbots can work greatly.

It can handle all the HR department tasks such as-

  • Recruitment,
  • Onboarding,
  • Employee training & benefits and, annual reviews,
  • Hikes of the employee, etc.

4. Improves Employee Satisfaction

Advanced organizations focus more on the employees’ talent, and employee satisfaction matters a lot to them. They don’t want to lose any employee because of any misunderstandings.

Every company is required to reshape themselves to satisfy the needs of their agile workforce.

All this is possible only when they adopt the changing technology and cultural environment. That leads an organization to establish an open and cohesive work environment.

Appraisal and talent development plays a prominent role in the development of the employees, and it is also a time-consuming task for HR.

HR chatbots assist in getting real-time feedback from the concerned persons in a transparent manner by analyzing the quality & quantity of work.

HR chatbots replace the lengthy appraisal form with an automated appraisal form for quick processing.

5. Attendance Management

Attendance management is super easy with the HR chatbots. Using advanced image processing technology, employees’ facial features are recorded, and later at the time of attendance, employees are identified by their facial process. 

Advance organizations are more dependent on attendance management processes like- historical classification, face detection, noise removal, and other instead of traditional methods of attendance making via biometric or swap machines. 

Advantages of Recruiting Chatbots

Chatbots have already gained good value in the market; companies already started leveraging chatbots by deploying them as customer support.

What if you can deploy the same even for your internal operation. Chatbots bring more benefits to both employees and companies. 

Let’s start!

1. Improves the productivity of your HR department

HR Chatbots can answer all the level 1 or level 2 queries automatically, and even they can analyze the intent and behavior of the users and reply accordingly.

For more complex questions, they either send the information source link or document or transfer it to the concerned person to resolve their queries.

Even live chat or video options are also available on chatbots. It saves lots of time for the HR department in resolving repetitive queries and increases productivity.

2. 24/7 Customer Support

A virtual assistant is always available to the employees irrespective of the time. HR chatbots are open to the employees round the clock; they don’t need to wait for the next working day or the availability of the HR team to get their queries resolved. 

3. Cost Reduction

Chatbots can reduce the workforce required to handle employee queries and other operations. Also, most of the questions related to HR are solved using calls; deploying chatbots can save the call bills.

Overall it reduces the cost of the HR department even in other areas directly or indirectly.

4. More Engaged with Employees

Employee satisfaction rate will be high when their queries get resolved instantly and when they are glad about the service they are getting from the HR department.

It assists the HR departments even to plan any events or trips on chatbots and bring all employees together that may increase the engagement rate with both colleagues and HR team members.

Conclusion :

No doubt, HR Chatbots are empowering the overall HR department. Conversational chatbots are more in demand because of their ability to learn on their own. 

Before deploying chatbots, you must keep in mind that you have enough data, knowledge of compliance risks, accessibility issues, limitations and challenges of the chatbot.

The most probable thing companies can do is understand the HR chatbots, capabilities, and features. And design the bot accordingly, which benefits both the employees and the HR department.

You can even try for the free trial of the vendors available in the market. To understand it before taking it to live for all employees. 

What are you waiting for? Try SmatBot now!

You can go for SmatBot 14-day free trial. Our technical team helps the clients even if they are making you use of a free trial and help them understand the bot before deploying it in their business.

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